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ATV @EuMW2015
Wir präsentieren mit MPI die Produkte der Advanced Semiconductor Test Division auf der European Microwave Week 2015 in Paris, Frankreich. Vom 08.10. bis 10.10.2015 sind wir auf dem MPI-Stand 237 zu finden. Wir zeigen die neuesten On-Wafer Testlösungen und HF-Messspitzen.

Bonjour! Madame et Monsieur,
MPI Corporation will exhibit the TS2000-SE and TS150-THZ at MPI booth #237, as well as the TS200 at R&S booth #113 in EuMW 2015, which will be held on September 8th-10th in Paris!
We encourage you to invite customers and, if needed, to schedule meetings for your customer visits during the show.
In addition, a R&S + MPI joint workshop will be held on Thursday, Sept 10, 2:45 to 3:45 @ Salle Passy (next to R&S booth). Rohde & Schwarz now takes registration at: http://www.eumw.rohde-schwarz.com/
We wish you a wonderful day and look forward to seeing you soon again!